How Much Water Does A Dripping Faucet Waste?

How Much Water Does A Dripping Faucet Waste

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A dripping faucet may seem like a minor annoyance, but it can waste much water and money over time. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a faucet that drips at a rate of one drip per second can waste over 3,000 gallons of water per year. This not only leads to a higher water bill but also hurts the environment.

How much water does a dripping faucet waste exactly? Well, that depends on the size and frequency of the drip. The US Geological Survey (USGS) has created a drip calculator that allows you to estimate how much water is wasted by a leaking faucet. You can enter the number of homes, faucets, and drips per minute to see how much water is lost in liters and gallons per day and per year.

How Much Water Does A Dripping Faucet Waste?

The following table shows how much water does a dripping faucet waste by different numbers of drips per minute:

Number of Drips Per MinuteLiters Per DayGallons (US) Per DayGallons (US) Per Year
10.063 liters0.016 gallons5.774 gallons
100.631 liters0.166 gallons57.74 gallons
201.261 liters0.332 gallons115.48 gallons
301.892 liters0.499 gallons173.22 gallons
402.522 liters0.665 gallons230.96 gallons
503.153 liters0.832 gallons288.70 gallons
How Much Water Does A Dripping Faucet Waste
How Much Water Does A Dripping Faucet Waste

For example, if you have one faucet in your home that drips 10 times per minute, you are wasting about 14 liters (3.7 gallons) of water per day, or 5,110 liters (1,350 gallons) of water per year. That’s enough water to fill a small swimming pool!

If every faucet in every home in your town dripped at the same rate, the amount of water wasted would be staggering. For instance, if your town has 50,000 homes, and each home has one faucet that drips 10 times per minute, the total water wasted would be 255 million liters (67.4 million gallons) per year. That’s enough water to fill over 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools!

The good news is that fixing a dripping faucet is usually easy and inexpensive. Most leaks are caused by worn-out washers, seals, or O-rings that can be replaced with simple tools and parts. You can find online tutorials and videos that show you how to fix a leaking faucet yourself, or you can hire a plumber to do it for you.

plumber fixing dripping faucet

How much water is a drip every 2 seconds?

According to Universal Plumbing & Sewer, one second of dripping from a faucet wastes over 5 gallons of water per day, which is roughly 2,083 gallons per year. Assuming that the rate of dripping is constant, a drip every 2 seconds would waste half as much water, or roughly 2.5 gallons per day and approximately 1,041 gallons per year

Does a dripping faucet use a lot of water?

A common slow leak, with 10 drips every minute, results in the wastage of almost one gallon of water each day, which adds up to approximately 29 gallons each month. In many areas, this translates to less than a dollar per month in expenses. However, when it comes to faster leaks, such as a faucet or showerhead dripping at a rate of 120 drips per minute, the water wastage is significantly higher. It amounts to 11 gallons wasted daily, totaling 330 gallons wasted in a month.

Does a dripping tap cost money?

Typically, if you leave a dripping faucet unattended, it can result in the loss of approximately 3 gallons of water daily, leading to a noticeable increase in your water expenses. While it may appear insignificant, investing in a plumber to repair the dripping faucet can prove to be a cost-effective decision over time.

How long does a 1000 mL drip take?

To determine the intravenous flow rate for infusing 1 liter of normal saline over an 8-hour period, you need to consider that the drop factor is typically 15 drops per milliliter (gtt/mL). Keep in mind that 1 liter of normal saline equals 1,000 milliliters, and the time for this calculation should always be expressed in minutes, which is 60 minutes in an hour. Depending on the physician’s order, you should also multiply the time by 60 minutes for accurate calculations.

How much water can be wasted from a leaky faucet?

Frequently, leaks in faucets are the result of aging and deteriorating washers and gaskets. An example of the impact of such a leak is a faucet that drips once every second. This seemingly minor issue can lead to the wastage of over 3,000 gallons of water annually, equivalent to the amount needed for more than 180 showers!


By fixing a dripping faucet, you can save water, money, and the environment. You can also prevent further damage to your faucet and pipes that could result in more costly repairs. So don’t ignore that annoying drip – fix it today and enjoy the benefits of a leak-free faucet!

Debra Klein

My name is Debra & I love modern kitchen designs! I am a passionate product reviewer who wants to assist homeowners in picking the right modern kitchen accessories for their home. My mission is to give the best solution that will help my readers to choose the best and right kitchen items for their homes.

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DonnaHi, my name is Debra Klein and I love modern kitchen designs! As a product reviewer, it’s my mission to help homeowners choose the right modern kitchen accessories for their homes. I want to give them the best solution possible so they can make the best decision for their needs. Thanks for reading!

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