How Far Should The Soap Dispenser Be From The Kitchen Faucet?

kitchen faucet with soap dispenser

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A soap dispenser is a handy accessory that can make your kitchen sink more convenient and hygienic. It allows you to dispense liquid soap with a simple push of a button, without having to touch a messy soap bottle or bar. However, installing a soap dispenser in your kitchen sink requires some careful planning and consideration. One of the most important factors to consider is how far the soap dispenser should be from the kitchen faucet.

The distance between the soap dispenser and the faucet can affect the functionality and appearance of your kitchen sink. If the soap dispenser is too close to the faucet, it may interfere with the water flow or spray. If the soap dispenser is too far from the faucet, it may be hard to reach or look out of place. Therefore, finding the optimal distance between the soap dispenser and the faucet is essential for a successful installation.

What Is The Recommended Distance Between The Soap Dispenser And The Faucet?

There is no standard rule on how far a soap dispenser should be from the faucet. The optimal distance depends on several factors, such as:

  • The shape and size of the sink
  • The configuration and style of the faucet
  • The type and design of the soap dispenser
  • The personal preference and comfort of the user

However, most kitchen planning guides recommend that the kitchen soap dispenser should be placed 8 inches in the center of the faucet. This means that the center of the hole for the soap dispenser should be 8 inches away from the center of the hole for the faucet. This distance ensures that there is enough space between the soap dispenser and the faucet to avoid interference and splashing, while also keeping them close enough for easy access and visual harmony.

In a bathroom, where the sink and faucet are usually smaller than in a kitchen, the common distance between the faucet and sink-mounted soap dispenser is 4 inches in the center.

However, these distances are not fixed and can be adjusted according to your specific situation and preference. For example, if you have a large place the soap dispenser farther away from the faucet to avoid crowding. On the other hand, if you have a small sink or a low-arc faucet, you may want to place the soap dispenser closer to the faucet to save space and make it easier to reach.

How To Measure The Distance Between The Soap Dispenser And The Faucet?

Before installing a soap dispenser in your kitchen sink, you need to measure the distance between the soap dispenser and the faucet accurately. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Turn off the water supply and use a bucket to catch any residual water inside the pipes.
  • Clean under the sink and around all areas where you’ll be working. You may want to place towels or other soft materials around the work area so that if anything drops, it won’t damage your sink.
  • Mark the center of the hole for the faucet on your countertop or sink with a pencil or tape.
  • Measure 8 inches (or your preferred distance) from this mark and mark another point on your countertop or sink. This will be where you will drill a hole for your soap dispenser.
  • Use a drill bit that matches the size of your soap dispenser’s shank (the part that goes through the hole) and drill a hole through your countertop or sink at your marked point.
  • Insert your soap dispenser’s shank through this hole and secure it with a nut or washer underneath.
  • Fill up your new soap dispenser with liquid soap and check for air bubbles when dispensing.
  • Enjoy your new soap dispenser!

What Are The Different Types Of Soap Dispensers?

When deciding where to place a soap dispenser in your bathroom or kitchen, you have three options: on the countertop, attached to the wall, or built directly into the countertop next to the faucet. Before discussing where the dispenser should go in relation to the faucet, let’s explore
the pros and cons of each type of dispenser.

Countertop Soap Dispenser

A countertop soap dispenser is a small, freestanding container made of plastic, glass, ceramic, or metal. It dispenses soap via either a manual pump or an electronic sensor.

Countertop dispensers are ideal if you prefer a low-cost option. They come in a wide range of styles and colors to complement your bathroom or kitchen décor. On the other hand, they take up valuable space on small countertops.

Wall-Mounted Soap Dispenser

If space on your countertop is limited, you may want to consider mounting a soap dispenser on the wall. Because most bathrooms have a mirror over the sink, wall-mounted dispensers are usually hung to one side of the basin. The same holds true for kitchen sinks topped by windows.

The benefits of wall-mounted soap dispensers include their larger size and the relative ease of refilling them. Most wall-mounted dispensers use bags or cartridges of soap, which are easily replaced.

However, wall-mounted dispensers also have some drawbacks. They require drilling holes in the wall, which can damage the tiles or drywall. They may also be harder to reach for children or people with disabilities.

Sink-Mounted Soap Dispenser

A sink-mounted soap dispenser is a type of dispenser that is built into the countertop next to the faucet. It has a spout that protrudes above the sink and a reservoir that is hidden under the sink.

Sink-mounted dispensers are ideal if you want a sleek and seamless look for your kitchen or bathroom. They also save space on your countertop and prevent soap from spilling or dripping on the surface.

However, sink-mounted dispensers also have some disadvantages. They require drilling holes in your countertop or sink, which can be tricky if you have a granite or marble surface. They may also be more difficult to refill and clean than other types of dispensers.

Which Side Of The Faucet Should The Soap Dispenser Go On?

Another question that you may have when installing a soap dispenser in your kitchen or bathroom is which side of the faucet should it go on. There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your personal preference and convenience.

However, here are some factors that you may want to consider when choosing which side of the faucet to place your soap dispenser on:

  • The dominant hand of the user: If you are right-handed, you may find it more comfortable to place the soap dispenser on the right side of the faucet, so that you can use your left hand to turn on the water and your right hand to dispense the soap. The opposite applies if you are left-handed.
  • The location of other accessories: If you have other accessories on your countertop or sink, such as a dish rack, a sponge holder, or a towel bar, you may want to place the soap dispenser on the opposite side of these items to avoid clutter and interference.
  • The aesthetics and symmetry of your sink: If you have a single-handle faucet that is centered over your sink, you may want to place the soap dispenser on either side of the faucet to create a balanced look. If you have a two-handle faucet that is offset from the center of your sink, you may want to place the soap dispenser on the same side as the faucet handle to create a cohesive look.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which side of the faucet to place your soap dispenser on is to try it out yourself and see what feels and looks best for you.


A soap dispenser is a useful and stylish accessory that can enhance your kitchen or bathroom sink. However, installing a soap dispenser requires some careful planning and measurement. You need to consider how far the soap dispenser should be from the faucet, what type of soap dispenser you want, and which side of the faucet you want it on.

I hope this article has helped you answer these questions and given you some tips and tricks for installing a soap dispenser in your kitchen or bathroom. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing where to place your soap dispenser. It all depends on your personal preference and convenience. So go ahead and experiment with different options until you find what works best for you!

Debra Klein

My name is Debra & I love modern kitchen designs! I am a passionate product reviewer who wants to assist homeowners in picking the right modern kitchen accessories for their home. My mission is to give the best solution that will help my readers to choose the best and right kitchen items for their homes.

About Me

DonnaHi, my name is Debra Klein and I love modern kitchen designs! As a product reviewer, it’s my mission to help homeowners choose the right modern kitchen accessories for their homes. I want to give them the best solution possible so they can make the best decision for their needs. Thanks for reading!

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